- Bike path which surrounds most of the lake Llanquihue
- Horseback riding, Las Tranqueras, km 41,
www.lastranqueras.cl , 65-212056
- Terra Sur Eco Aventura,
Rafting Petrohué, good equipment and guides
Tours, bike, trekking, canopy, horseback riding
Ensenada Km 44 Ruta 225, Puerto Varas
Phone 65-233140
Contact: Fredy Manzilla cell: 09-4957690
- Trekking & Canopy diverticalcanopy@gmail.com (9-
1251360) (9-5037620)
- Huella Andina Expeditions, canopy, trekking
Ruta 225 km 39.5 Ensenada cel (569) 7- 548 7967
- Kayaking "Ko-kayak excursions 09-3105272, Ruta 225
km 40, Rafting Petrohué River, Trekking, Volcanoes,
Canyoning, Mountain bike
cell 09-3105272 phone 56-65-232910
- Rafting- Saltos del Calbuco de Río Pescado hacia
adentro, 65-330403
- Patagonia Vertical, paintball,mountain
climbing,trekking, rapel, kayaking
2:01 PM -1- 11/01/13
Facebook patagoniavertical osorno
phones 62712497 – 65264748
Contact: Pablo Guzmán Preisler
- Terra Sur Eco Aventura
Tours, bike,trekking, canopy,rafting,horse riding,
climbing volcano
Ensenada Km 44 Ruta 225, Puerto Varas
Fonos 65-233140 Celular 09-4957690
- www.yakexpediciones.cl 09-2996487
- Ski Volcán Osorno, info regarding slopes and
condition of the road 65-237330 o 09-2623323
Ofice of Osorno Volcano 07-5121933
- National Park Vicente Perez Rosales
- Ensenada Office 65-212036 Park Administration 09-
- E-mails for information parque.perezrosales@conaf.cl
- Loslagos.oirs@conaf.cl
- www.conaf.cl
- Excursions, (fishing, rafting, trekking, horseback
riding, etc www.aquamotion.cl, 65-232747
- Fishing Trips, Puerto Varas (Trout & Salmon)
Fly fishing y Spinning
Fishing Equipment Rental, fishing guide who rows
Transportation, daily expeditions and half day, hours
Fishing on CATA-RAFT & wadding
e-mail: info@altoriopescado.cl Cel 06-273 2980
- Queen Fish Store to buy fishing rod and reel Okuma y
nylon approx $ 20.000
Fono: 065-230650, San Pedro 517, Puerto Varas
2:01 PM -2- 11/01/13
- Ensenada Rent a Bike
Km 42 Parador “Don Salmón” Cel: 06-8970285
- Tennis in Ensenada Route 225, Km 43. Costs approx. 12 usd to
rent the tennis court for 1 hour. You have to take rackets
and balls, they have but are not very good. Call Mr. Alberto
Guzmán or Mrs. Elizabeth 065-212006 or cell 09-3267475
Restaurants in Ensenada
- "Bordelago", Donde el Español- Asados al palo (typical
- Las Tranqueras (Barbecues)
- Restaurante Bombón Oriental, Km 40.8, Ensenada
- Phone 56-65-212066
- Latitude 42º del Yan kee Way Lodge (gourmet food) Km
42, 65-212027, 212030,
- Hospedaje Escala 2 km 40,5 attended by owner Mrs.
Silvia, typical Chilean food, home made.
- Club Aleman Molino de Agua, km 21,5 camino a Ensenada
desde Puerto Varas, 65-330140
- Bellavista, Onces (High tea)
Owner Don Eugenio Weisser and his wife Ingrid
Camino a Ensenada km 34
Phone 065- 335323 Cell 8-8806181
Mini Zoo llamas, emus
- Refugio Teski Club at the top of Volcán Osorno
Beautiful view. Coffee shop and Restaurant, hot tub
13 km approx from Ensenada
cristobal@teski.cl phone 09-1595147
2:01 PM -3- 11/01/13
Where to buy:
- Mini Supermarket “Yesseli” in Ensenada (Internet y
Redbank) phones: 65-212009, 65-212044
- Las Bahamas (grocery store) it is next to Parcelas
Margaritas where the cabin is located, you can go
- Lamps and hand woven rugs, very original and
creative, local artista.
Contact: Barbara Rainer en Ensenada
Celular 07-8908400
- Taxis in Ensenada:
Manuel: 07-3751156
Marcelo: 09-0957395
Rodrigo: 09-8812478
- Fire Department in Ensenada 065-212024
- Police Department in Ensenada 065-765133
Car Rental in Puerto Varas
Local car renter:
Gerardo Quintas and Karin Boegel. Office located in
street Imperial 270, Puerto Varas
Celular 9-8870601
Web sites with information of the area, Puerto Varas
commune and Ensenada.
2:01 PM -4- 11/01/13
Lake LLanquihue done by National Tourism Office, very good, but
it is in Spanish it comes out in youtube:
2:01 PM -5- 11/01/13